Traintastic CS

This project is in a very early stage, so everthing is subject for change.

The Traintastic CS (Traintastic Command Station) is an open source all in one solution to operate and/or automate a model railway layout. The Traintastic CS runs the Traintastic software and supports various common protocols for model railroad control and automation.

Planned features


Traintastic CS is a combination of a Raspberry Pi 4/5 single board computer for running Traintastic and a Raspberry RP2040 microcontroller for handling all hardware communication and control, all built onto a single PCB.

Traintastic CS overview

Current status

Traintastic CS is in the experimental phase, currently the first tests are performed with the RP2040 for XpressNet, S88-N and LocoNet. Besides that some work is done for the PCB, see render below.

Traintastic CS PCB

The board measures 170mm x 85mm, the Raspberry Pi is mounted upside down onto the board, above the big Traintastic logo. All connectors are at the one side of the board, only the both mini HDMI connectors of the Raspberry Pi are on another side. The board can be powered by a single 15-20 VDC power supply, DC/DC convertors are used to generate other required voltages.